Tuesday, November 2, 2021

The U.S. Supreme Court

     Learning about the Supreme Court from the very beginning of the U.S. history has been a very intriguing experience. I enjoyed learning about the work it took for our foundation to be created solidly. We as the citizens have more power than we credit ourselves with now, we have a say so in keeping our government in check and making sure our constitutional rights stay intact. The Supreme Court is who hold power over our laws in the United States and helps us to keep the country under control. 

       I found the information about the Supreme Court to be extremely interesting, because I have had little education of the in-depth view of the Supreme Court itself. I had no idea that the court held such a high stance in our government and truly had the power over our laws. For individuals seeking justice, the Supreme Court is the court of last resort. It is crucial in ensuring that each branch of government understands the boundaries of its own authority. The Court can also use judicial review to overturn decisions made by other government branches. The power to overturn decisions of other branches is a very powerful and interesting power that could be very helpful and also harmful in the two completely different ways. The power was intended for checks and balance purposes, however, the power could cause a wrong decision to be made and cause problems nationwide. With the video that was provided to me about the Supreme Court, I saw the true carving of this nation's government system and cannot believe the work it took to get our country alone in harmony for thee system to work and hold strong. Now you can see the foundation begin to crumble over the last two decades things have completely switched and we are beginning to see monarchism show through the cracks. We as a nation need to use the Supreme Court created to help hold this country in place and keep this nation in the right pathway for success with freedom being a priority.


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