Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Antiwar: A Silenced Voice

     The government is a force trying to slowly push its' way into our lives and form us into what they want us to be. I know most people may read that and think I am the crazy conspiracy theorist, however, I just see the truth for what it is. I do not go based on what he said or she said, but I research things I hear or somehow get a glimpse of on social media if I am lucky. In a college course I am in I was recommended a couple of sites to check out and I am shocked to see the activities our government is using our military for. For one example, in an article on there was a piece on a bomb our military dropped in a town in Syria. The bomb killed many innocent lives and our government had the nerve to say just a simple "oops sorry" as if they didn't cause many children and women to die for nothing. We cannot allow the government to continue to harm innocent people and steal their crops along with oil. We as a nation are built on treating everyone equal and I do not believe we have any business in Syria. I believe these voices are being silenced because the government makes the most money from our military as they rack up their bill that they'll never pay off. We are in debt beyond our heads and cannot ever recover the money dumped into our military, where I want to truly say I respect and thank those who serve, but they are being used as a force of economic value. 

They silence us citizens standing for the morally correct ways because they need to keep making money and building a military fit to handle any situation they want. I hope it never happens but I fear they could try and use the military on the citizens and force a certain lifestyle or set of morals. We need to put a stop with our voices we have a right to project and speak up to the government about why they are still in Syria and doing what they are with ISIS defeated. On the website, Realism & Restraint Archives - The American Conservative, it talks about how our military is still sitting in Syria doing the same things I mentioned earlier. We have no right to go in there and steal their food or oil and just not be punished. I have a bad feeling there will be a terrible backlash for our governments poor decisions recently. Antiwar voices should not be silenced for their gain and we cannot allow our rights to get stripped. Slowly they will peel the layers until we have no protection and we must follow what they say, do you want that? I sure don't as a caring citizen that wants everyone to have a right to speak as they want and stand up for their beliefs. It is only fair we put them in their place considering we are part of this democracy and have a say in our government's doing. The nation needs to stop this censorship and gain control back of our rightful places as this nation's foundation. 

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