Saturday, November 13, 2021

The Creation of the World Wide Web

  The Creation of the World Wide Web

The World Wide Web was invented in 1989 by Sir Tim Berners-Lee. Sir Tim Berners-Lee was a
British computer scientist from London. After pursuing his education and completing it at Oxford University he became a software engineer at CERN, a particle physics laboratory in Switzerland.
Scientists from around the world came there to use its accelerators, and Berners-Lee found their problems with sharing information and intended to solve that issue. He wanted to use a new technology call Hypertext and create a central area through the internet to share information with one another. This idea grew into a written proposal called "Information Management: A Proposal", which was essentially the web in a document according to the web foundation. The initial try at the proposal actually went unsuccessful and he was turned down for it. This did not stop Sir Tim; he was allowed by his boss to work on the project in 1990 on a NeXT Computer. Tim wrote the three fundamental technologies that still hold the web's foundation to this day within a month which are:

  1. HTML: HyperText Markup Language is essentially the language of the web in simple terms.
  2. URI: Uniform Resource Identifier is a URL which uniquely identifies each link to help identify the website to its name.
  3. HTTP: HyperText Transfer Protocol is what allows the websites to be accessed and found through the web. 
Without these three fundamentals he created, we would not be able to browse such a wide variety of websites and information whenever we felt like it. We have so much technology and information at our finger tips and do not even realize the power that holds and how much goes into each click of a button to reach that little answer for a quiz or a small random question you get while sitting by yourself. We have access to world wide web links of news and information every day because of this one man who used a problem and created a solution. 

The Impact of the World Wide Web

In an article 4 ways the web has changed our lives – and will shape our future, they discuss four ways the World Wide Web has impacted our society since it was invented and used by the public. They explain that in 2018 50% of the world's population had used the internet which is a big deal for exactly half of the world to be connected like that in an instant being able to talk, exchange, do whatever. Our values are beginning to be formed and shaped with this new internet lifestyle we live every day. It is a good and a bad thing when you look into the values being changed, especially the young children's minds being influenced so heavily with the social media on the world wide web. It has influenced many moral changes in society and has opened up many positive opportunities for individuals as well. The increase in the web use has caused inventions that require internet to use such as refrigerators, washing machines, cameras, TVs, etc. We live in a society rapidly pushing for technological advance after a new one was just released. Our society is becoming obsessed with technology and advancing systems to do more for us and improve our lazy lifestyles while allowing more laziness. Many could and would argue that we are heading into a better society with all of the technology that will be released, but it is becoming a scary fast reality for the science fiction movies I would watch as a kid. We are rapidly looking for more and more and growing technological addictions and relying too much on our digital products and the internet aspects such as social media to boost our moods for the day. I truly believe a little movement in the opposite direction could possibly help our society in a great way.

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