Friday, December 10, 2021

Are Technologies & AI Taking Over? (Final Post)

     As you can tell by the title, the topic I am focusing on is AI. AI stands for Artificial Intelligence and is a very interesting creation. This innovation that started to take off in the year of 2016, is a very big presence currently today. The start of this incredible invention really came to light when a team of engineers from Google created an AI called AlphaGo. AlphaGo was created to play against a very famous Chinese board game player, and the AI won 4 games where the human player only won a single game against the AI. What is so incredible about an AI is the ability it holds to learn new information and master things very fast. A huge factor in the growth of AI has been the rivalry between the U.S. and China in the competition of technology. They have been so caught up in competing that they have

begun to create some very concerning projects and innovations into real-world society. In China they have begun using face recognition AI as payment instead of having to carry a card at all. Think about the fact they the AI can recognize you anywhere at any time in milliseconds and bring up a ton of information you wouldn't even realize was out there. This is a scary reality they are trying to incorporate into our society and normalize being tracked even more than we already are. In the video titled, In The Age of AI, it shows all of these real-life issues that we will face from this innovation and how rapidly some of these effects can take place in the near future. The video shows how in China AI can recognize peoples' credit score in seconds and allow for loans to be taken out within 8 seconds exact. It also shows that they are trying to implement the credit scores to be used as a reward and punishment system. This means those doing good in life will be allowed rewards such as discounts and such and the people who aren't doing good will get punishments like travel bans. That's right, China is wanting to try to ban traveling based off of information the AI gives them from face recognition.

It is a truly horrific possible future that isn't as far as you would think. In further research shown in the video mentioned earlier, they explained that AI can predict breast cancer years ahead for people and actually improve things for the victims of this horrible sickness. There are a few great things about AI such as efficiency and data that can help us to improve things in our society, but the side I continue to lean on is the fact that we will lose a lot of jobs in the world due to AI taking over the industries. AI provides little to no jobs for people and often just takes majority of the work because of the lower payroll for the CEOs. They continue to find ways to keep the richer rich and the lower classes even poorer. This is a topic I have covered multiple times on this blog, and I stand by my word when I say we cannot allow for things to continue to fly past us and not take a stand for our equal right for better lives and more equal treatment. We may not be able to completely stop this technology, but we can stand up for our privacy and make sure to explain our rights to decline our face being scanned every time we go outside of our house.

    Alongside of the topic of AI, is the relationship we have with our technologies. In every household there is typically at least one technology that is used. We all have a smartphone in most cases and those are the most repetitively used technologies today. We find ourselves completely submerged into a cellphone because of the "convenience" behind the device. I can even admit there have been times where I was very zoned in on my phone because of social media or talking to people. It seems harmless at first, but as time has gone on, I have seen a lot of antisocial situations take place because of these devices taking over our daily lives. We cannot end these devices' existence, but you can reduce the use of them and educate others on more social aspects of life. We cannot lose our communication skills in this world and need to be more aware of our surroundings. I for one and worried for what is to come because of the AI innovations and the use of it by these governments against us. These technologies such as phones, new smart appliances, Siri, or the amazon echo are always listening in and taking information where they can for the companies that created them. We are under surveillance constantly and need more awareness towards this issue.

     I hope more people would stand up for our individual rights to privacy and make a statement that we want a functioning society with less corruption and more positive growth. America should be the land of equality, but I personally see a widespread issue of social class division. We often see over the history of this country and many others, the rich only get richer and the poor stay at the bottom no matter what. Every man and woman deserve the fair chance at a successful life and career if they are willing to work for it and learn all they can. I am tired of the people who complain about how much they get paid and end up doing a sorry job. It is the work and effort you put into the dream that makes it happen. America has lost a majority of this mindset and would rather complain about pointless topics set out there to divide us. As a citizen wanting equal opportunities for all, I am speaking through here to say that we need to do something as I have explained in many of my other posts. Stand for what is right and let's get our privacy back.

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Are Technologies & AI Taking Over? (Final Post)

      As you can tell by the title, the topic I am focusing on is AI. AI stands for Artificial Intelligence and is a very interesting creati...