Tuesday, December 7, 2021

Consolidation: A Silent Topic Many Do Not Know About


 Consolidation is a term I have learned about before, however, in class we had presentations and a fellow classmate brought the term back to light for me. We often don't think about the media we watch much other than what we find boring and what we enjoy watching. What many do not know in this society we live in is that many of the news and show channels we watch are actually owned by the same big corporation and are all connected and used for nothing good against us. Of course, it is easy to push the thought out and act like it isn't a big deal that these corporations own many different networks and channels, but what if I told you that they were harming the younger generations of children with
subliminal messages or imagery in their shows they air? It sounds a lot worse in that perspective and is a very hard truth many won't want to accept. We are in a day and age where the media wants to try and push us all to believe what they tell us depending on the networks we watch or channels due to their biases and messages they push. I feel entertainment should be strictly for our own enjoyment and should not hold moral biases to make people feel a certain way or change their own stance in their beliefs. I do not feel like we are stuck in this position permanently and feel that as a nation of caring citizens we could go against the consolidation and push for smaller companies with less power over changing people. We can stand against the corruption in our politics, government, news and tv shows. The change starts with every single one of us taking a stand for the true rights we were given from the start of this country. We need to stand together against these division-causing messages and go against the true issue. The people who run this country are pushing us out of our rightful place as part of our government and we can and will put a stop to this corruption.

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