Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Computers and Why They Stuck Around

     The invention of computers was a huge steppingstone for many of the technologies we have today. We often hop on a computer and play video games or surf the internet or medias looking at whatever we want without any thought about how someone had to create that technology in order for us to be able to access the web and do as we please on these machines. Without this innovation I do believe this society would stand in a completely different view. We thrive in this society with the help of the computer, which allows for more jobs and skills needed for more high-tier jobs. We use this technology every day when we pick up our laptops for school, our phones in free time, or even the school computers in the library to research for upcoming projects. We would be in a different world without innovations like the computer and would most likely have more trouble getting a lot of information out to the world or country like we can or even have less available jobs and less skills to put into resumes. I personally use computers a lot and find the invention to be a huge turning point for 

mankind and often makes things better. Of course, with every amazing invention there are negative effects that happen to many individuals. The addiction to these technologies is a growing issue mainly evolving in the youth of today between social medias and gaming on these computers. The issue with computers is it actually can affect a person's social skills and cause them to lose interest in personally connecting with people. We need people to continue to socially connect and get better at communication skills so that they can keep jobs and build friendships as they should. The reason this innovation has taken over so fast is because of the constant growth and invention added to the technology allowing for many more amazing opportunities and intriguing features. I personally believe if people can use the technology in moderation and not get sucked into it while losing their personal communication skills, that the world could thrive with these amazing technologies that thrive from the innovative computer, and I continue to see growth in the area allowing for more incredible experiences to be formed from this unique world-changing invention. 

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