Sunday, November 28, 2021

Privacy: A Rare Delicacy in the New "Tech Savvy" Era

     Many people, in this new society that has been formed and continues to be with technology and social medias, have lost sight of their own private lives being a shared knowledge to the public eye. The majority of this world have now been intrigued with the new social apps and websites where they can keep in touch with their loved ones far away or just see what their friends are up to at the time, but they have no idea of the dangers that come with these medias. The truth of the matter is that every bit of the information that is being posted or put out there on these platforms in any form is being sold and distributed right out from under the users. They have no knowledge of their privacy being completely taken away and they continue to surf the web or post their lives on social media. The dangers behind these issues are very broad and can lead to many different scary occurrences. In an article I found on, they explain many different ways in which the famous, Facebook, take
s your personal data and uses it for their gain in ways that are only harmful to us as the users.

They go on to discuss that our data will always no matter what be owned by Facebook and even after deleting our accounts, pictures, and posts, they still have every right to keep it all and use it as they need. Some may not even think twice about that example; however, Facebook was also recently in a lawsuit because they used people's names and images to endorse products that they simply liked on the social media platform. That is not a scenario that should ever occur from any company. Not only is that false advertisement but it is also using a private Indvidual's name and face to endorse something without their permission. I fear for a lot of people I know who post religiously on these platforms about their everyday lives and information that should not be shared with random people. I have seen many people post about being out of town and letting ridiculous information out to allow for bad situations to happen to them. I believe there should be a legal action taken out against any company taking information and keeping it to sell or distribute in any form. The government has no right to silence us and I feel that private companies should not have the right to do so as well. Our privacy matters to us in individual ways and we all deserve to feel we are given our own amount to however we feel needed. I do not feel a company has the right to speak for me and tell my business or track my internet searches or interests. These big CEOs and employees I am sure would be extremely upset and feel invaded when us as the public knew every ounce of internet searches or product purchases they made every day. This social media invention was a disease as I have said since the beginning when I was younger. The disease will continue to grow and spiral out of control unless we get a grip on it and put an end to it as we should as free American citizens who are born with their rights to privacy and speech, which both have been violated more than enough by the companies already. We need to begin speaking out more against this disgusting people who own these medias and put an end to their agendas they lead us towards. We can be more cautious and need to be with what we put on the internet or even our own personal information on profiles on medias. Be more mindful of what you are posting and doing on social medias and the web. 

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