Sunday, November 7, 2021

The Eight Values of Free Expression in my own eyes

     When I looked over the Eight Values of Free Expression on my class blog homepage (Media Law & Literacy ( I saw a bunch of values we have slowly as a society pushed out involuntarily. We as a nation have allowed our rights and values to be slowly taken away from right underneath us. The second value stating we should have a place in government as citizens still should stand strong to this day, however, citizens have began to live their lives and allow the government to reign full control forgetting that we have a say in what our government does. This value stands out to me as one of the most valuable ones because we need the government to listen to what we stand for and what we want in our country. Our voices need to stand out more to the leaders of this country and need to truly make a difference. Censorship from private companies has raised recently even more than I expected and it is becoming very alarming because no one wants to take a stand together to fight for our right to speak on topics good or bad. Stable change or value number three is another very valuable and important topic related to the second value and it talks about how we deserve to vent about issues in our leaders and government system. We must use these values before things get so out of hand we lose control completely and are forced into things that are unconstitutional and wrong. Number four involves free speech and nothing is more important than these three past values I have explained in my opinion. We must protect all speech right and wrong because we as people deserve the right to speak our minds and solve issues we may face as a nation or an individual. 

    I can relate mostly to the values about speech because I feel strongly towards everyone getting a say in our system and issues they feel are necessary to bring to attention. When you as a person think about issues you face or personal opinions you want to share, would you want those thoughts to be restricted to strictly be a thought and never be spoken? I feel most true Americans would answer "no" to that question and give a look of disgust when thinking of something as simple as language being restricted and punished when spoken. This nation needs the true foundation to stand and a new backbone to support the diverse and unique society we have today. We need more citizens to open their eyes and see the world for what it is at this point and stand for each other instead of this constant divide that is pushed with media and politics. We all bleed the same, feel the same feelings, and live freely under the same constitution and need to see each other equally and put our government in its' place where it belongs. They work for us and need to listen to our voices and needs we ask for every year. They cannot keep getting away with tip-toeing around questions that need answers and cannot keep sinking our money into things that harm us as a whole instead of bringing this country to a better place, and this government will be held accountable as it should be.

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