Sunday, November 28, 2021

Privacy: A Rare Delicacy in the New "Tech Savvy" Era

     Many people, in this new society that has been formed and continues to be with technology and social medias, have lost sight of their own private lives being a shared knowledge to the public eye. The majority of this world have now been intrigued with the new social apps and websites where they can keep in touch with their loved ones far away or just see what their friends are up to at the time, but they have no idea of the dangers that come with these medias. The truth of the matter is that every bit of the information that is being posted or put out there on these platforms in any form is being sold and distributed right out from under the users. They have no knowledge of their privacy being completely taken away and they continue to surf the web or post their lives on social media. The dangers behind these issues are very broad and can lead to many different scary occurrences. In an article I found on, they explain many different ways in which the famous, Facebook, take
s your personal data and uses it for their gain in ways that are only harmful to us as the users.

They go on to discuss that our data will always no matter what be owned by Facebook and even after deleting our accounts, pictures, and posts, they still have every right to keep it all and use it as they need. Some may not even think twice about that example; however, Facebook was also recently in a lawsuit because they used people's names and images to endorse products that they simply liked on the social media platform. That is not a scenario that should ever occur from any company. Not only is that false advertisement but it is also using a private Indvidual's name and face to endorse something without their permission. I fear for a lot of people I know who post religiously on these platforms about their everyday lives and information that should not be shared with random people. I have seen many people post about being out of town and letting ridiculous information out to allow for bad situations to happen to them. I believe there should be a legal action taken out against any company taking information and keeping it to sell or distribute in any form. The government has no right to silence us and I feel that private companies should not have the right to do so as well. Our privacy matters to us in individual ways and we all deserve to feel we are given our own amount to however we feel needed. I do not feel a company has the right to speak for me and tell my business or track my internet searches or interests. These big CEOs and employees I am sure would be extremely upset and feel invaded when us as the public knew every ounce of internet searches or product purchases they made every day. This social media invention was a disease as I have said since the beginning when I was younger. The disease will continue to grow and spiral out of control unless we get a grip on it and put an end to it as we should as free American citizens who are born with their rights to privacy and speech, which both have been violated more than enough by the companies already. We need to begin speaking out more against this disgusting people who own these medias and put an end to their agendas they lead us towards. We can be more cautious and need to be with what we put on the internet or even our own personal information on profiles on medias. Be more mindful of what you are posting and doing on social medias and the web. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Film: The Pathway to a Huge Industry

     In class we all taught each other about history's greatest pathway technologies that got us to where we are today with miniature computers in our hands. A fellow classmate by the name of Alex did a great presentation that was very interesting about the great invention of film and how we got to our present day film industry making ten billion dollars a year! The first "film" to ever be produced was made by a man by the name, eadweard muybridge, who decided to line a bunch of cameras horizontal to a horse running by and rapidly captured an image with each camera to simulate movement being captured. The product that came out when he put the images side by side and created the movement aspect of film. 

    After that discovery, the Lumiére brothers created a Cinématographere which could capture footage and develop the film allowing them to create their first film, Workers Leaving the Lumiere Factory. Later on films began to become popular among people and the first feature film called The Story of the Kelly Gang was created which brought the movie theater to life and evolved to such a big business today. Of course after the first feature film it sparked a new technique in many different filmmakers. They began to add special effects, creating a storyline, and even editing the film. This is the innovative thinking that creates such a long-life industry that continues to grow with technology and bring people in with unique experiences with each film. Without this technological innovation, we have cellphones with amazing video abilities and many amazing films and talented people who can create amazing special effects that
allow for an insane experience on the big screen. I am very grateful for this technology and found this presentation very interesting because I am a film fanatic and always love a good movie that grabs my attention.

Antiwar: A Silenced Voice

     The government is a force trying to slowly push its' way into our lives and form us into what they want us to be. I know most people may read that and think I am the crazy conspiracy theorist, however, I just see the truth for what it is. I do not go based on what he said or she said, but I research things I hear or somehow get a glimpse of on social media if I am lucky. In a college course I am in I was recommended a couple of sites to check out and I am shocked to see the activities our government is using our military for. For one example, in an article on there was a piece on a bomb our military dropped in a town in Syria. The bomb killed many innocent lives and our government had the nerve to say just a simple "oops sorry" as if they didn't cause many children and women to die for nothing. We cannot allow the government to continue to harm innocent people and steal their crops along with oil. We as a nation are built on treating everyone equal and I do not believe we have any business in Syria. I believe these voices are being silenced because the government makes the most money from our military as they rack up their bill that they'll never pay off. We are in debt beyond our heads and cannot ever recover the money dumped into our military, where I want to truly say I respect and thank those who serve, but they are being used as a force of economic value. 

They silence us citizens standing for the morally correct ways because they need to keep making money and building a military fit to handle any situation they want. I hope it never happens but I fear they could try and use the military on the citizens and force a certain lifestyle or set of morals. We need to put a stop with our voices we have a right to project and speak up to the government about why they are still in Syria and doing what they are with ISIS defeated. On the website, Realism & Restraint Archives - The American Conservative, it talks about how our military is still sitting in Syria doing the same things I mentioned earlier. We have no right to go in there and steal their food or oil and just not be punished. I have a bad feeling there will be a terrible backlash for our governments poor decisions recently. Antiwar voices should not be silenced for their gain and we cannot allow our rights to get stripped. Slowly they will peel the layers until we have no protection and we must follow what they say, do you want that? I sure don't as a caring citizen that wants everyone to have a right to speak as they want and stand up for their beliefs. It is only fair we put them in their place considering we are part of this democracy and have a say in our government's doing. The nation needs to stop this censorship and gain control back of our rightful places as this nation's foundation. 

Saturday, November 13, 2021

The Creation of the World Wide Web

  The Creation of the World Wide Web

The World Wide Web was invented in 1989 by Sir Tim Berners-Lee. Sir Tim Berners-Lee was a
British computer scientist from London. After pursuing his education and completing it at Oxford University he became a software engineer at CERN, a particle physics laboratory in Switzerland.
Scientists from around the world came there to use its accelerators, and Berners-Lee found their problems with sharing information and intended to solve that issue. He wanted to use a new technology call Hypertext and create a central area through the internet to share information with one another. This idea grew into a written proposal called "Information Management: A Proposal", which was essentially the web in a document according to the web foundation. The initial try at the proposal actually went unsuccessful and he was turned down for it. This did not stop Sir Tim; he was allowed by his boss to work on the project in 1990 on a NeXT Computer. Tim wrote the three fundamental technologies that still hold the web's foundation to this day within a month which are:

  1. HTML: HyperText Markup Language is essentially the language of the web in simple terms.
  2. URI: Uniform Resource Identifier is a URL which uniquely identifies each link to help identify the website to its name.
  3. HTTP: HyperText Transfer Protocol is what allows the websites to be accessed and found through the web. 
Without these three fundamentals he created, we would not be able to browse such a wide variety of websites and information whenever we felt like it. We have so much technology and information at our finger tips and do not even realize the power that holds and how much goes into each click of a button to reach that little answer for a quiz or a small random question you get while sitting by yourself. We have access to world wide web links of news and information every day because of this one man who used a problem and created a solution. 

The Impact of the World Wide Web

In an article 4 ways the web has changed our lives – and will shape our future, they discuss four ways the World Wide Web has impacted our society since it was invented and used by the public. They explain that in 2018 50% of the world's population had used the internet which is a big deal for exactly half of the world to be connected like that in an instant being able to talk, exchange, do whatever. Our values are beginning to be formed and shaped with this new internet lifestyle we live every day. It is a good and a bad thing when you look into the values being changed, especially the young children's minds being influenced so heavily with the social media on the world wide web. It has influenced many moral changes in society and has opened up many positive opportunities for individuals as well. The increase in the web use has caused inventions that require internet to use such as refrigerators, washing machines, cameras, TVs, etc. We live in a society rapidly pushing for technological advance after a new one was just released. Our society is becoming obsessed with technology and advancing systems to do more for us and improve our lazy lifestyles while allowing more laziness. Many could and would argue that we are heading into a better society with all of the technology that will be released, but it is becoming a scary fast reality for the science fiction movies I would watch as a kid. We are rapidly looking for more and more and growing technological addictions and relying too much on our digital products and the internet aspects such as social media to boost our moods for the day. I truly believe a little movement in the opposite direction could possibly help our society in a great way.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

The Eight Values of Free Expression in my own eyes

     When I looked over the Eight Values of Free Expression on my class blog homepage (Media Law & Literacy ( I saw a bunch of values we have slowly as a society pushed out involuntarily. We as a nation have allowed our rights and values to be slowly taken away from right underneath us. The second value stating we should have a place in government as citizens still should stand strong to this day, however, citizens have began to live their lives and allow the government to reign full control forgetting that we have a say in what our government does. This value stands out to me as one of the most valuable ones because we need the government to listen to what we stand for and what we want in our country. Our voices need to stand out more to the leaders of this country and need to truly make a difference. Censorship from private companies has raised recently even more than I expected and it is becoming very alarming because no one wants to take a stand together to fight for our right to speak on topics good or bad. Stable change or value number three is another very valuable and important topic related to the second value and it talks about how we deserve to vent about issues in our leaders and government system. We must use these values before things get so out of hand we lose control completely and are forced into things that are unconstitutional and wrong. Number four involves free speech and nothing is more important than these three past values I have explained in my opinion. We must protect all speech right and wrong because we as people deserve the right to speak our minds and solve issues we may face as a nation or an individual. 

    I can relate mostly to the values about speech because I feel strongly towards everyone getting a say in our system and issues they feel are necessary to bring to attention. When you as a person think about issues you face or personal opinions you want to share, would you want those thoughts to be restricted to strictly be a thought and never be spoken? I feel most true Americans would answer "no" to that question and give a look of disgust when thinking of something as simple as language being restricted and punished when spoken. This nation needs the true foundation to stand and a new backbone to support the diverse and unique society we have today. We need more citizens to open their eyes and see the world for what it is at this point and stand for each other instead of this constant divide that is pushed with media and politics. We all bleed the same, feel the same feelings, and live freely under the same constitution and need to see each other equally and put our government in its' place where it belongs. They work for us and need to listen to our voices and needs we ask for every year. They cannot keep getting away with tip-toeing around questions that need answers and cannot keep sinking our money into things that harm us as a whole instead of bringing this country to a better place, and this government will be held accountable as it should be.

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

The U.S. Supreme Court

     Learning about the Supreme Court from the very beginning of the U.S. history has been a very intriguing experience. I enjoyed learning about the work it took for our foundation to be created solidly. We as the citizens have more power than we credit ourselves with now, we have a say so in keeping our government in check and making sure our constitutional rights stay intact. The Supreme Court is who hold power over our laws in the United States and helps us to keep the country under control. 

       I found the information about the Supreme Court to be extremely interesting, because I have had little education of the in-depth view of the Supreme Court itself. I had no idea that the court held such a high stance in our government and truly had the power over our laws. For individuals seeking justice, the Supreme Court is the court of last resort. It is crucial in ensuring that each branch of government understands the boundaries of its own authority. The Court can also use judicial review to overturn decisions made by other government branches. The power to overturn decisions of other branches is a very powerful and interesting power that could be very helpful and also harmful in the two completely different ways. The power was intended for checks and balance purposes, however, the power could cause a wrong decision to be made and cause problems nationwide. With the video that was provided to me about the Supreme Court, I saw the true carving of this nation's government system and cannot believe the work it took to get our country alone in harmony for thee system to work and hold strong. Now you can see the foundation begin to crumble over the last two decades things have completely switched and we are beginning to see monarchism show through the cracks. We as a nation need to use the Supreme Court created to help hold this country in place and keep this nation in the right pathway for success with freedom being a priority.


Are Technologies & AI Taking Over? (Final Post)

      As you can tell by the title, the topic I am focusing on is AI. AI stands for Artificial Intelligence and is a very interesting creati...